I'm a really quiet guy, I don't like drawing a lot of attention to myself and I tend to be a people pleaser. Because of this, most people at my company can see me as a well intentioned pushover - which is fine, it's a part I know how to play. But I'm also really, really good at presenting. Like, storytelling championship good. Last week I finally had enough information to pitch a solution for a company problem and I destroyed it. I now have two VPs actively working to put the project in motion and get me a budget. They're also trying to bring me to the attention of a lot of powerful people. I still don't like that part, I want people to focus on the problem and it's solution, but at least it's progress. I also have to make eight loaves of bread this weekend. I'm using nearly 18 pounds of flour. I'm really worried I didn't do the volume calculations correctly and there's going to be dough everywhere.