wasoxygen has previously argued that the growing wealth gap has financed the leaps forward in technological advances, and that our lives are much the better for it. Other people around here seem to regard the advances in technology as inevitable and are generally dissatisfied with the current trends in wealth consolidation. It's an interesting debate. wasO, I tagged you because there's a very good chance I've bastardized your logic, as I'm known to do. :) I'm pretty sure I read this in a comments section, it's not tagged as #OC in my brain, dunno what the source is: Do you guys think an economic landscape where mobility tends towards 50% is the most "fair"? Is that even possible? Has it ever happened?It's hard to compare modern times to the situation of the '40's, when a western country arising from a depression goes on to win WWII while also managing not to have itself bombed back into medieval times.