Fascinating article and discussion below. Any time art excites controversy is a good time. People are asked to face up to their differing interpretations. Hell, people are asked to interpret. What does it mean? I agree with mk: A more likely interpretation has to do with a "bull market" since it's the Wall Street bull: share prices are rising, buy early, buy often. I liked Greg Fallis's blog, especially this: SHE refers to the symbol, but that will be lost in time.
I doubt very many viewers will know the corp that SHE refers to. I doubt very many viewers will know that the bull refers to the "strength and power of the American people" unless it says that right under the bull - and then, even so, who reads?and subversion is (also almost by definition) usually the province of marginalized populations attempting to undermine the social order maintained by tradition and the establishments of power.
I understand that the artist is outraged, but the fearless or defiant or confident girl facing down the bull is subversive in ways that go beyond what SHE intended. Thanks kb.