This is fucking interesting and I would love to know more. Question 1. How do we know these Bach manuscripts aren't forgeries? Question 2. Do people actually try to pass of forgeries of classical composers? Question 3. People seem to think doing covers of songs in various new styles as something that's nifty. For example, maybe a country cover of a pop song. Is this something that was done in the time of Bach, Listz, etc.? IS THERE A A GUY OUT THERE THAT HAS TRANSLATED LISTZ TO BANJO OR SOME SHIT? PLEASE SAY YES. ::Ahem:: Pardon me. I got carried away for a moment there. Question 4. Has this problem pretty much resolved itself with the introduction of recording equipment or is it still an issue today? Question 5. Seriously. If someone took Mozart or something and moderned it up, that'd be some pretty cool shit. Question 6. Did you know Question 5 was actually a statement or did you only realize that after I pointed it out?