The author of this take down of Elon Musk has some far out readings of history and historical events, and I haven't bothered to follow up to "fact check" :) but it's definitely an amusing read. More seriously, Wendy Brown's penetrating critique in Undoing the Demos of neo-liberalism is a must read: or degrading democracy, that political institutions and outcomes are increasingly dominated by finance and corporate capital, or that democracy is being replaced by plutocracy -- rule by and for the rich. Rather, neoliberal reason, ubiquitous today in statecraft and the workplace, in jurisprudence, education, culture, and a vast range of quotidian activity, is converting the distinctly political character, meaning, and operation of democracy's constituent elements into economic ones. Liberal democratic institutions, practices, and habits may not survive this conversion. Radical democratic dreams may not either. My argument is not merely that markets and money are corrupting