Hey Pubs. Life is finally settling down into a comfortable pace, now that the renovation and wedding are in the past. The wife and I continue to be totally moony-eyed over each other, and enjoy all of the time we spend together. Thinking of going to the Iceland Airwaves music festival in November... just a crazy idea at the moment, but something we are considering. We have money. We can schedule the time off at my work. So we are weighing options. Also, I am enjoying digging into little projects right now. Installed a new powered radio antenna in our RV, so we get better reception. Also fixed the ceiling fan, to make sure it is working well. And repaired the driver's side window motor, which had burned out. Now I'm thinking about designing and making some new door panels for the driver's side and passenger doors. Maybe wood. Bought a Dremel tool just to make sure I have the right tools for the job! (Plus, new tools! Woohoo!) And writing is happening again. The historical TV series documenting the founding of Seattle, that I am writing, is starting to fall into place. I know the people. I know their histories. I've got good software to keep track of all the bits (writing in Scrivener, timelines in Aeon Timeline), and I'm seeing the story arcs that will run over the two seasons, within each season, and for each character. Now I need to distill those down into individual episode plots - probably 20 of them - of which I have about 5 worked out. Life? It's good.