You convert an undecided voter to a decided voter by carpetbombing their field of view with propaganda. Propaganda costs money. Current polls seem to put "undecided voters" somewhere between 10% and 20%. Whenever I find someone skeptical about the general stupidity of the human race, I encourage them to read some Youtube comments. If that doesn't work, I advise them to sell something on Craigslist. Elitism only grows easier the more you interface with the proletariat. TRUE STORY: The last time I voted in person in Washington, I crossed the street to the church and walked into the foyer. Someone struck up a conversation with me. We chatted for a minute. Then he said "You seem to be pretty intelligent. Who should I vote for?" I told him that it was an important decision and I'd be happy to help him, but I wouldn't tell him, and he shouldn't let anyone else tell him, either. He gave me a thoughtful look like he'd never heard such a thing in his life.