I'm not job hunting anymore. It's an amazing feeling. I came home tonight and for the first time in months I've been able to putter around on the internet without feeling guilty for not using my time job hunting on Craigslist or Monster. It feels great. I kind of spammed front page with 3 car related posts in a row. In fact, all I've done tonight is catch up on cars. Motorweek's Youtube Channel posts a lot of their classic car reviews. I just got done watching a bunch of reviews of '80s hot hatches. Mazda 323, Honda Civic, Isuzu I Mark, Suzuki Swift. It's interesting. Turbos were a huge thing in the late '80s and early '90s. They're becoming a thing again. I'm sure that all has to do with fuel efficiency regulations and such. They have tons of great cars in their Retro Review section. I'll probably spend more time checking them out. kleinbl00, I found this one of the Avanti just for you. Thought you might appreciate that.