I threw 20p worth of poetry in (only about 4k words; i'll have to add 2k more from somewhere) and this is what I got (I have bolded the particularly hilarious bits): You are laid-back: you appreciate a relaxed pace in life. You are proud: you hold yourself in high regard, satisfied with who you are. And you are independent: you have a strong desire to have time to yourself. You are motivated to seek out experiences that provide a strong feeling of self-expression. You consider independence to guide a large part of what you do: you like to set your own goals to decide how to best achieve them. You are relatively unconcerned with tradition: you care more about making your own path than following what others have done. - Adventurousness33% - Artistic interests26% - Emotionality66% - Imagination59% - Intellect43% - Authority-challenging73% Conscientiousness25% - Achievement striving27% - Cautiousness28% - Dutifulness10% - Orderliness59% - Self-discipline20% - Self-efficacy25% Extraversion46% - Activity level3% - Assertiveness52% - Cheerfulness35% - Excitement-seeking25% - Outgoing12% - Gregariousness7% Agreeableness38% - Altruism10% - Cooperation18% - Modesty7% - Uncompromising16% - Sympathy50% - Trust9% Emotional range72% - Fiery68% - Prone to worry66% - Melancholy71% - Immoderation68% - Self-consciousness44% - Susceptible to stress73% Needs - Challenge11% - Closeness39% - Curiosity55% - Excitement35% - Harmony49% - Ideal55% - Liberty45% - Love17% - Practicality24% - Self-expression60% - Stability45% - Structure22% Values - Conservation16% - Openness to change86% - Hedonism63% - Self-enhancement35% - Self-transcendence79%You are a bit compulsive.