randomuser and I finally found a place to live. It's an epic, 7th floor downtown LA loft. It has a dogrun on the roof... and a pool and an epic library. 22ft ceilings with 20ft windows covering the entire wall. Southeast facing with external views. And it's $20 cheaper than my current place! Dog run:
Here's some photos pulled from yelp. The photos are pretty accurate. Our unit actually has NO building outside the window though. 7 floors down is a big parking lot so we can see FOREVER. These are the windows (blinds included): We have 4 of these that cover the entire wall of the loft. I cannot wait to have natural light again! The other nice this is we can upgrade to any of the prop. management company's properties (as long as the rent is > the rent of this unit...which isn't hard...we got this on a steal.) They have quite a few buildings around so if shit changes in the next year (it might) we aren't totally fucked. I'm excited!