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Just right away. Nazis in the 80's killed homosexual people in Sweden. And when people marched and protested against them they took photos and looked up who these faces were, where they lived, who they cared about.

They set fire to a place where young leftist activists slept. And now people involved have said that they knew that.

Thay were taught that a war was coming.

They are taught a war was coming.

And no. They are not. Muslim neighborhoods and immigrant neighborhoods are not more homophobic.

And once again. THIS IS DONE BY AN ORGANISATION THAT HAS DIRECT TIES TO MURDERS OF HOMOSEXUAL PEOPLE. They are not only doing this to provoke, thay are doing this to scare, and inflame and NO.

And ths parade is being supported by no-one who has any respect in Sweden.

And this isn't bizarre or weird or anything. YOU are weird. We hear on the news about riots and shootings and racism and sexism in the US. And we think "They USED to be strong". We think "What poverty and desperation can do"

YOU the minority. We don't look at the US as a shining example of society. We view you as society collapsing. We look at mexicans entering your country and think "holy shit - it must be horrible if the are fleeing to the US"

So NO.

This isn't bizarre. You don't have enough information.