I've been trying to put my finger on it since caeli's post earlier, but I find it increasingly unsettling how violence is portrayed in American journalism. The first thing I see upon reading this story is the killer's name. Then I get to read about the atrocities he committed, his background, his home life, what he had for breakfast. Hey! A picture! Hmm, he seems kinda Muslim, this is obviously an ISIS thing. And then, "Oh, by the way, some people are injured, including a feeeemale sailor because we just know you already assumed the other victims were white males!" What the fuck. I don't want to read about this. I want to hear about memorials for the victims, community support, calls for law changes, I want to see news about shit actually changing. I am so sick of knowing more about the shooter than ANY of the victims. While I agree it's important to report on what happened, the American public seems to have a really, really unhealthy hangup for the shooters themselves.