I feel like we consider badges to be Hubski gold, and they're free. Just my $.02 on what the perception has seemed to me. I guess the difference is that there is no special r/lounge or anything, but otherwise, the point of Reddit gold has always seemed to me to be to highlight a comment that another user finds particularly poignant or so on. I have my own problems with the "gold" phenomenon in that sometimes gilding is used not really because the comment being gilded is so great, but basically to reinforce a discussion. A comment that is gilded gets more attention. If you are arguing someone (on Reddit or I guess here) and have the money to throw around, you could easily just gild or have your throwaways gild a few comments of yours that support your viewpoint, and because they are gilded, they are going to look like more valuable comments to readers. As a result I theorize these comments would 'naturally' accrue more upvotes and attention even if they're not actually better or more grounded than their opposition.