As for carrying concealed, I think it's ridiculous. If someone pulls a gun on you, you want to give them what they want (your car, wallet, etc.,) and walk away regardless of whether or not you have a gun. Pulling a gun in defense means that you better start shooting to kill. That's a lame thing to do over something that can easily be replaced, IMO. And most people that are shot don't go down. They are most likely to take a bullet and shoot back at you. Most people don't realize that the force of impact of a bullet is actually quite small. I think concealed guns mostly comes from misplaced bravado. I suppose if you were in actual combat with a gun in the military, you might be able to effectively protect yourself with one, but even then, you might shoot someone nearby accidentally in the process. The truth is, If you have a gun, the person that is most likely to be killed by it is yourself or a loved one. That's just how it goes.