Yeah, I kind of realized this year that I really didn't need to do IB. I'm finishing it up because I've already put in so much work, but the passion is gone after I realized how little IB can actually help me. Doesn't the diploma look like the cover sheet of the tests? I saw one of my friend's, and I felt strangely disappointed . I know I'm not entitled to a diploma that's aesthetically pleasing, but jesus...all that work for such a useless slip of 8x11 printer paper? I have a few friends in the program I'm trying to enter into, ( if you want to read up), and I think they try to screen for the "7 out of 10" types. I only have one or two friends in the program, and even though they're easy enough to be around, I think I'll definitely be around the type you described. You've got some really good advice, though. I've got an interview coming up in a month, and I think you've inspired me a bit! Where are you at right now in your life? I'll check out the python course and get back to you, I think it will be useful even if not entirely necessary.