Princess Bride spoilers ahead... To the pain - Princess Bride Hello, my name is Indigo Montoya speech - Interesting antecdote about this scene - Mandy Patinkin lost his father a few years before the filming. In a 25 year later inverview, this came up: "Despite the laughter, the story of Inigo and his father struck a nerve with Patinkin, whose own father had died a few years before filming. 'I would walk through the maze of the gardens while I was just trying to relax or while they were lighting the scene, and I was talking to my father, who had died not that many years before we made the film, and I always had it in my mind that if I could get the six fingered man, if Inigo could get the six fingered man, then my father, Mandy's father, would come back and be with me.'" Source Opening monologue of Rubber