We all knew how to sail (I was raised on a boat) so we didn't have to hire a captain/skipper like most of the charters have. Later, we did Costa Rica (and later The Galapagos) via Adventure Life (http://www.adventure-life.com/tours/costa-rica-tours/) My family doesn't do resorts and lives a relatively simple life and neither of my parents drink. The guys at Adventure Life helped us plan the most perfect trip for what we wanted. My favorite place that we stay in Costa Rica was this little bed and breakfast type place with little electricity about 30 minutes from the beach. You trekked through the forest on a tiny little path with whatever surfboard or boogie board you could carry and then BAM! suddenly you were on a huge beach all alone with monkeys flinging their shit and some nice sized waves. This huge grandmother type lady cooked huge Costa Rican meals every night for us. It was amazing. I also moved to Australia (Sydney) 2 months ago, so if you want to know more about my experiences here I'll share. Now that I'm older and not with my family this time around so a lot more of my activities revolve around drinking. I've done some incredible hikes (Blue Mountains) here and other nifty sober stuff too.