I'm pissed off right now because I'm three pounds heavier right now than I was on my birthday, but that's still seven pounds lighter than I was on my last birthday. I run 8 minute miles pretty consistently. I don't exactly dust everyone I come across, but I'm pretty swift. Went running two days ago and was absolutely smoked by this kid. He was doing a sustained run at about the speed I can sprint. I then realized I'm old enough to be his dad. That's been my year in a nutshell: On the one hand, I'm getting older. I have officially slipped out of anybody's target demo. On the other hand, I make it look good. Hot wife, adorable daughter, bitchin' career and hyperexotic italian superbike. I got knocked across 4 lanes of the 405 this year and stood up to flip the other guy the finger. I made six figures pushing faders. And although it's galling to bail on Hollywood without having my name in lights, I can say I was there when the lights started going out. I got mixes to finish but first I gotta get over this cold.