Think of the value of a written text prior to the printing press. How much time, energy and resources went in to re-scribing something. Books were treasures, literally. Can you imagine the power of a good story teller, prior to the printing press? Someone that could regale you with their telling of folklore? I once, and only once, attended a BNI meeting at the behest of my director at work. It's an organization where professionals meet once a week and exchange referrals and promise to do business with one another. Everyone took turns going around the table of about 20 people, talking about what they did for a living. It was the typical gang, I'm a banker, I'm a realtor, I'm in health insurance, I'm in home insurance, I sell for AT&T etc. Then, the last person to go was a woman in her 40's that by her very nature seemed different than the rest. She introduced herself to the group this way, "My name is Malinda and I am a story teller." Malinda, had started a business in which she would come to your party, your dinner, your book club etc and just tell stories. All her own. Malinda was the only person that I talked to before leaving.Can you imagine what they did before typewriters? How long did it take to write a whole novel by hand? And edit it! Jebus.
No, I really can't imagine.