You're right though, in 2008 I had drank the Koolaid. In fact, that's right around the time I started becoming pals with mk and initially we were both fans of Jon Edwards because of what seemed an earnest desire to help the impoverished and to close the income gap. But, his campaign didn't bear fruit, though it turns out his videographer did. Anyways, once he was out, I began to buy in to the whole "change" thing and genuinely thought Obama would usher in a new era in politics. I was a fool. Edit: I'm impressed that you are willing to say you would support Romney
-Well, to be fair I said that I wish I had voted for him. The word "support" implies that I would have campaigned for, donated to or otherwise done more than casting my ballot in his direction. Wow man, you've really gone on a long journey.
-I really have. It's been a formative 6+ years for me.