I've noticed a nasty tendency in the US to understand regional conflicts in terms of "us" and "them", in terms of "good" vs. "bad." As explained here, Syria isn't even "bad" "worse" "worst" it's "worst" "worst" "worst." I think this analysis highlights something you don't see highlighted much in US media: "our" needs in the middle east aren't always Israel's needs in the middle east. Syria is a former Soviet-aligned frontline military power run by a Muslim splinter-faction; ISIS is a cartoonish bunch of pirates that don't understand how much you have to step up your game when you go from "political faction" to "geopolitical entity." Al qaeda would never be stupid enough to seize oil wells because The Great Game don't give a fuck about guerillas. And Israel has to know this - they've been boots-on-ground against most every military around them since 1947.