1. I'm pro-life, but I don't think, especially under the US Constitution, you should be able to impose your belief system on other people. Especially since much of the pro-life movement in the US is based on religious arguments, which is obviously bogus. I think since it's so difficult to draw a line and say where life truly begins after sperm hits egg, the line should be drawn at the moment where sperm hits egg. Boom. You got life. End of story. So in a perfect world I'd be pro-life, but in reality I'm pro-choice. 2. I guess under current circumstances I'm against the death penalty in the US. Only because putting someone to death is a vastly less efficient process than just putting someone in prison for life. But I think, really, if you're going to put someone in prison, why not just kill them? As bad as it sounds, they're just taking up valuable resources. So make the process to kill someone more efficient in this country and let's have at it.