Hmph! You know, I've read eight PKD novels this summer, and I'm still not sure whether to agree with you or not. Androids in script form -- Blade Runner -- is a marked improvement by any measure. And there's a sense of nausea that permeates all of Dick's novels. But on the other hand, Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch really hits you. So does Ubik, even if the prose is shitty because he wrote it in 30 minutes on speed. Man in the High Castle may've even deserved its Hugo. And there's something deeply disturbing about A Scanner Darkly that really makes it click ... when you learn it's a fucking autobiography. I want to say something like: if only PKD had been well-off he could have written 10 books in his life instead of 40 and the quality would be much higher, but I know that's not true. He was a one trick pony but sometimes it worked.'cuz it's a shit book. As are most Philip K. Dick novels.