Carter: Mysterious word that shows up in bizarre places in my poorly-translated motorcycle shop manual, eg: - "This tool is used to install the dry clutch carter" - "Lubrication system: Forced, with humid carter" - "Pinion carter upper fixing screw, M6 thread, 10 n/m fastening torque" - "Rotate the phonic wheel clockwise by acting on the nut E, bringing the PMS aligned with the carter reference F" - "Half-carter closing fastening torques" - "REMOTE CONTROL SWITCH : Placed on the left side of the bike near the pinion carter" I have no fucking idea what it means. In some places it's a fairing. In others it's a dowel. In others it's a fillet. "Forced with humid carter" should mean "pressurized wet sump" but I am utterly gobsmacked as to how to get from Point (A) to Point (B).