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    I know we're trained as Engineers and Scientists to avoid absolutes, but Love is absolutely essential to the continued existence of humanity and it's a truth that billions refuse to take seriously.

Yes, it is arguably the thing holding everything together. By far and away the most powerful emotions I've ever felt have been in deep love and while experiencing orgasm. Of course, that does make sense from an evolutionary perspective, but I'm definitely open to the possibility science has yet to fully understand a whole range of phenomenological experience.

    In this space, thinking/thoughts aren't an action but like a reception in the same way you feel heat you "think" thoughts. I have not worked out how to explain the idea, but I'm pretty sure someone already has.

I think Alan Watts described this in a similar way, along the lines of "trying to express what cannot be expressed."

In his final interview, McKenna said that the realm was "un-englishable".