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    "It is worth noting that Stormfront has a pretty active presence on reddit and there are numerous racist subreddits. "

I was merely pointing out that whether or not this was a targeted raid from /pol/ or Stormfront or any of the other racist websites out there is irrelevant. Racism is endemic on reddit. Stormfront has a bunch of people there because it is the optimum environment to foster bigotry.

One of the rallying cries of racists and bigots in general when people object to their views is that those against racism are in fact the real bigots. Essentially arguing that refusing to tolerate intolerance is itself intolerant. This is literally one of the talking points of the modern neo-Nazi movement. And reddit tacitly endorses this by letting any bigot spout their insanity and hiding behind the protection of free speech as if this gives some moral high ground. The fact is, if your only defense for your argument is that it isn't illegal to say what you are saying, then your argument is pretty weak.

Ultimately, reddit is a private website and obviously the owners can do whatever they want with it. This something that its users cannot seem to fathom in many cases. Reddit is not a democracy. But this doesn't excuse it from any moral culpability or criticism in fostering a seething cesspool of intolerance and extremism. They give hate groups a very public and popular place to deliver their message.

    There is a large feminist presence on reddit also, they have numerous subreddits. Reddit must be highly feminist also.

False equivalence much? Watch how quickly posts criticizing something 'all women do' gets upvoted. Observe the victim complex whenever things like the pay gap and false rape are talked about. Reddit is pretty anti-feminist and all around misogynistic.