I think that is a big upside to the system. A new party that adresseses new issues can get in and change the political landscape. It looks like we'll get a feminist party in parliament in the fall for example, and the pirate party got in to the European parliament. And compared to the rest of Europe Sweden is doing fine. We have our problems but so does every country. I wouldn't discourage you from moving here. Several of my teachers are from other countries and I think they all came here knowing no Swedish at all. It is doable, but I wouldn't say it's not difficult. One thing you could do if you're not already done with it is study here to get a feel for how living in Sweden is. Unfortunately non-Europeans have to pay for it these days so it's not as simple/worth it as it used to be. But I'm not unaware that we have a great system here, and I am thankful for it.