...or, y'know, I've actually been busy with things I've committed to before a girl comes along. I often fill my days in with stuff to do, so I have things to go to (extracurricular activities, sports, social gatherings I really need to go to to keep other relationships alive) or to do most of the time. Not that I wouldn't free time up but the rule sorta sounds like "push everything away for me". I've lost friends before to time-consuming girlfriends. Lots of good rules already posted here. I particularly like thenewgreen's one, didn't remember I had such an aversion to apathy until he pointed it out. One rule of mine not already mentioned is that Life's Just A Ride, and won't you just look at the blueprint! Amazing. I look for someone who gets it, y'know, not just about life but about everything. Not someone who does as told, but the same craving for the why of things as I have. edit: Also, I gave this post the Self-Reflect-Sunday tag. #srs8. “I've just been really busy” means “I'm not that interested in you.”