In all seriousness, I wonder what it is like to be in the shoes of someone like Ahmadinejad. He must think that spewing absurd bullshit is serious business for powerful people. I can't imagine that he could look himself in the mirror if he didn't think that he was a powerful guy, masterly playing some sort of political game. Yet, what is the point of what he does? What could he possibly think that he is preserving or working to attain, and for whom? Does he really kid himself? I'm not buying the caricature of him as a silly dictator. But he seems like the little kid playing hide and seek, where everyone can see where he is hiding, but since he has buried his face, he feels like he can't be seen. This guy is a joke. But, he's a very very dangerous joke. It's like George Bush looking into the soul of Putin. Simplistic and powerful people that make asses of themselves, and the world a worse place to live in.