It is a well written story and a nice read... But the idea of a soul mate (or 100% perfect girl) is just a myth. We aren't even really a monogamous species. We pair bond, and the average length of that pair bond is much shorter the the average life expectancy of an adult. We are also flexible in our sexual preferences and organization depending on ecology (or our "socio-economic" organization). In hunter-gatherer societies we tend to be more explicitly promiscuous with less power and ownership connected to sex and relationships. In agricultural societies we tend to be viciously patriarchal with men controlling women in one form or another from their birth to their death. The richer the man the more partners he will have (statistically speaking). Today we seem to be shifting strongly from this agricultural pattern to one that is in some weird mix between the hunter-gatherer-agricultural modes of socio-sexual organization. I suspect this shift is directional towards a more egalitarian and far less monogamous organization. I suspect we are on our way to a socio-sexual organization that probably closely resembles our hunter-gatherer mode that is largely devoid of exclusive long-term pair bonds. Mechanisms that would facilitate increased sexual opportunity are already emergent, the function of pair bonding (raising offspring) is declining rapidly in the developed world in favour of cultural reproduction, and culture that demonizes females "promiscuity" is fading. Also, the more densely we are organized in cities and the longer we expect to live, the shorter exclusive bonds last because our options for other partners increase. Also, the longer females delay marriage the less males will adopt a monogamous sexual strategy when dating. Of course that is dependent on two things primarily: our life expectancy and our socio-economic development. If we extend our life expectancy to any significant degree past 100 and if we create a world of abundance, monogamy as it existed in the 19tn and 20th century, will simply die.