That's an interesting way to take it. I am still thinking about Breaking Bad, what it meant, and what I took out of it, and I'll probably change my views on it, so I won't be able to follow that discussion up as well as I would want to. I think for the moment Breaking Bad is a show about a person who started with good intentions and then have them run amok, but as Oscar Wilde says: The way you see it is very interesting and is like what some people say when they say that Heisenberg was always Walter White and vice versa, from the very first episode. The inverted question of yours is also interesting to ponder over, as we all like to think our core values are right when that example shows that changing ones core values would have been better off for everyone. Interesting stuff indeed.Diversity of opinion about a work of art shows that the work is new, complex, and vital. When critics disagree, the artist is in accord with himself