Senior year of high school. I was in a different point of my life. I thought I knew what was best for me. Out of the however many colleges I had applied to, four had accepted me. I had then narrowed it down to three. Two in Seattle and one slightly south in Tacoma. For some reason I decided on the most expensive of the three. Three other people from my graduating class also chose this school. Freshman year came around and I was excited. A few months passed and I hated my life. I had barely made any new friends. I was barely keeping the ones that I already had. I hated most of my classes. The entire atmosphere was simply awful. I left after just one year and went to my local community college. Last March I finished enough credits to transfer elsewhere. Yet the mistakes continue! I ended up not finishing my application (despite the second and third and fourth chances I was given) and am still not back in school. This time I will finish my application and will hopefully be back in school in January. Better late than never. But I am quite the optimist and don't think this was all for naught.