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Yea another article that is totally biased in favor of the owners of capital about how people shouldn't get tipped and that owners should decide some arbitrary amount that is less than what workers would make if they were tipped.

I'm all for everyone involved in the endeavor splitting tips (funny how this is an option they don't really bring up, it's get rid of tipping or go to jail if you want to split, this is a false dichotomy, just so you know). I know first hand the pain of the line cook but I've never seen an interview in any of the "abolish tipping" articles that deals with anyone but the owner of capital, wonder why? It's probably because the people who write these stories don't really give two shit's about employees and would rather rub shoulders with the people who hold the money a lot more than the people who actually make it. They are probably also cheap fuckers who feel ashamed at their dislike of giving a few bucks to the people who work their asses off and would find it all a lot easier to have gratuity mandated so their cheap asses could sleep a bit easier knowing they had no choice in the matter.